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The Art of Bliss Women's Retreat 2017

The ART OF BLISS women's retreat, which empowers women to learn and develop ancient and modern holistic wellness practices, effective life skills, and sacred healing to create more authenticity, vibrancy and bliss in life. This beautiful setting is an ideal backdrop for a powerful and unique transformational experience. Healing weekend tuition includes all program sessions, delicious healthful meals (Friday dinner through Monday breakfast) and three nights of lodging. Spring Forest Qigong Instructor and Master Healer Rhonda Battisto will guide you in gentle healing movements, concepts and meditation, promoting profound heart-opening and self-healing mastery. Benefit from her alignment with purpose, deep connection to nature and spirit, as you CREATE and DEEPEN YOUR BLISS! Along with powerful, energetic healing support, participants receive valuable takeaways to integrate in daily life to create your best self, and life!

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Rhonda Battisto

Profile picture of Rhonda Battisto


Active 5 years, 3 months ago