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    Feng Shui: Creating Places of Peace... now available in eBook format! Click below for the full scoop! Front Cover CrtSpc 090513 160 x 240
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 99 ~ SOUL CONNECTIONS Your Soul created your human incarnation. It has a purpose in wanting to have this experience, at this time. Your Soul is perfect, having a deeper understanding of how the universe works. There is no greater place to go for Guidance than to the Soul that created you. Although others can assist along your life Path, everything you need to know lies within you. Set time aside each day and connect with your Soul for insight and guidance. The connection is simple, but entails that you get out of your left-brain logical thinking patterns. In order to elevate to a higher vibration, begin practicing expressions of love such as kindness, inner peace and gratitude. When you connect with your Soul, you may have a variety of experiences: clearly hear a loving voice, a knowing that you are connected, “god bumps,” smell a specific scent, feel a specific sensation in the gut, clarity about something on your mind or other place in the body. When you make it a practice to go inside for guidance, you are less likely to be swayed from your desired Path. The best measure for knowing whether the information you hear is from your Soul and Spirit Guides is the feeling of peace and love that comes from the connection. Although your growth may involve making an uncomfortable decision or one that others may not like, work through your fears and press forward. Pay close attention to your intuition and gut feelings, for these are directional signposts, much like a GPS mapping system that leads to your destination. As you practice connecting with your Soul and Guides, you will soon recognize them by their frequency. Trust the information you hear when the message is love-based. Decide which tidbits of advice are in alignment with your desires. Take the steps necessary to integrate them into your life. Transform your life and then joyfully share your knowledge with others. Know that all you need is already inside you. © 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 99 Soul Connections compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 98 ~ STUMBLING BLOCKS One way to gracefully overcome obstacles is to prepare yourself before you stumble. Many trip over the same rock several times and either are unaware of repeating this pattern or once aware, decide to take measures not to stumble on the rock again. This is the difference between unconscious and conscious living. When you pay attention to what is happening around you, life becomes more meaningful and magical. Once you are consciously aware of the rock in your path, come up with solutions to avoid stumbling over it again. You may choose to step over the rock or walk around it. Perhaps you will remove the rock from the path. Maybe you will plant a colorful flag or sign next to the rock to alert yourself the next time you walk the path. Perhaps you will paint the rock a bright color. Whichever choice you make creates a different impact upon you and the rock. Some of these choices will also assist others to avoid stumbling over the same rock. No matter which choice is selected, the result will be the same; you will break the pattern of stumbling over the rock if you are paying attention. You may find that your first choice isn’t effective. Let’s say you chose to place a flag next to the rock, but the wind blew the flag over and you stumbled on the rock again. Simply choose another method until the pattern is broken. The best choice you can make with any pattern you wish to change is to be alert to what you are thinking, saying and doing in each moment. There will be less accidents and much finer living when you are tuned into your inner self. As you learn to appreciate the blessings in the current moment, you will realize how rich you are and how splendid the world is. Look at behaviors and patterns in your life that are not working for you. List those you wish to change and begin removing the stumbling blocks. As you walk your Path, change the habits that do not support your new beliefs. When you stumble, be grateful for the experience and the knowledge you gained as a result. You are a powerful creator. Wake up each morning excited about the new possibilities and adventures that lay before you. Seek joy in all things, even the stumbling blocks. © 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 98 Stumbling Blocks compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 97 ~ BE IN JOY Even in your darkest hours, there are lessons to be learned. Reflect on what is occurring in your life now and in past situations that were challenging for you. What were some of the positive outcomes that came from past scenarios? Perhaps you were in a job you didn’t enjoy. One day you were fired; you felt angry, embarrassed, you developed an attitude of why did this happen to me? Yet now you are in a job that you enjoy. It was the letting go of the first job that opened the door to the new job. Seek blessings in all things. Focus your attention on the positive attributes of people and events in your life. If there is something you are not happy with, take your focus off the situation or take steps to change it. Be a responsible Earth steward and do all in your power to express positive thoughts and behaviors each moment of your life. As you practice being in joy each moment, miracles will occur around you. You will draw more joyful people to you. Events that used to upset you will either no longer happen or you will not even notice them. It is a law of the universe that where you focus your attention, that is what will present itself to you. When things that bothered you in the past rear up their ugly heads, bless them, remain balanced, find the positive in the situation and remain in a state of joy. © 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 97 Be in Joy compressed use different photo
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    SOUL CONNECTION 96 ~ SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE Imagine the entire world returning to a cycle of communing together and assisting each other in overcoming the negative thinking and beliefs that currently wreak havoc on Earth and beyond. Can you imagine the beauty and peace that will exist as each of us returns to our way of Be-ing, of perfect Spirit, while living in the human form? It is possible, but will take effort from all, beginning with you. There are many ways to be of service, yet the most overlooked is the simple act of sharing what has been of value to you. This does not mean that what works for you is the best for all; it only means that you have found something of value that may be of assistance to others. Share with those who are ready to accept your treasures. © 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! TheresaCrabtree SC 96 Share Your Knowledge compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 95 ~ CREATING TIME AND ENERGY Take a few moments to relax your muscles and to let go of the concerns of the day. Breathe deeply in and out to oxygenate your cells and to increase the energy running through your body. Does your work fill you with energy or deplete you? Are you able to take a day or two to rest when you are sick and tired? Is there another type of work you would rather be doing? Take these things into consideration and decide whether it is in your best interest to find a better-suited form of income for yourself. Have the courage to make the necessary changes. Consider weeding out activities and relationships that are not fulfilling. Let go of friends that drain you emotionally or keep you involved in activities that do not hold your interest. Limit time with family members that drain you. Do you need to set new parameters with those you are in relationship with? Perhaps you are the problem. Do you impose your beliefs, wants and needs on others? Be selective with the movies, tv programs, social media and the books you read. Take a look at your physical space. Are you obsessed with cleanliness and organization to the point where you and others are unable to enjoy your environment? Is your space dirty and cluttered, making it hard to find what you need? Consider de-cluttering and perhaps looking into the art of feng shui for ideas on how to create a place of peace in your surroundings. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner self. As you make the outward changes, you will find yourself feeling more at peace and relaxed. As you gain mastery over time and energy, your life will explode with a force that will astound you. When you look at people such as Gandhi and Mother Teresa, you can’t help but wonder how one person could make such an influence in the world. Each of them consciously chose where to place their energy. Much of their time was spent in prayer and meditation, taking care of their own mental, emotional, physical and spiritual needs first. These practices allowed them to have enough time and energy to create an impact on the Earth. You too, can do such things with your life when you manage your time and energy more efficiently. © 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 95 Creating Time and Energy compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 94 ~ MONITOR YOUR THOUGHTS Your beliefs create your reality. If you have fear or thoughts that disturb you, refocus to thoughts of hope and joy. If you expect bad things to happen, they will, for you draw unto you what you place your attention upon. Take time to monitor your thoughts throughout the day. One way to get into the habit of monitoring your thoughts is to set a timer and let it go off at random times. When you hear the alarm, ask yourself, “What am I thinking about?” Be conscious of your thoughts, then decide whether you wish to continue this line of thinking or to focus your attention elsewhere. If the thought you are having brings up emotions that need to be healed, take the opportunity to unleash the emotions and to resolve the issues and any repercussions it has had in your life. It would be tedious to attempt to monitor every thought. However, it would be beneficial to monitor your negatively charged thoughts until you have reached a point where most of your thoughts are positively oriented. © 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 94 Monitor Your Thoughts compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 93 ~ MEDITATION: ONE WITH NATURE Take a few moments to drink in the beauty that surrounds you. Focus on the flowers and plants. Feel gratitude for the animals that hold everything in balance. Be appreciative of the water sources that provide nourishment for your body and soul. Feel the magnificence of the mountains, the prairies, the seaside and deserts. Breathe it all in and receive the nurturance that nature provides. Lean with your back against a tree or sit near a plant. Take several deep breaths while relaxing your muscles and clearing your mind of the day’s activities. As your mind clears, focus on the plant. Scrutinize the plant, looking carefully at each part, including the underside of its leaves. Notice the coloration of the various parts, the shape of the leaves, the bark or stem, each section of its blossoms. Are there any insects on the plant, if so, what are they doing? Plants give off oxygen, which gives you the ability to live on this planet. All plants are a source of nutrition for humans, animals and insects. Their foliage, when left where it falls, supplies nutrients to itself and the soil. In the wild, plants help retain the soil, allowing it to regenerate, supplying the necessary ingredients to support all life. Take time to thank all plants for their symbiotic relationship that works in balance to allow you to live on Earth. With your eyes closed, feel the energy of the plant. This is easier to do when you are in a state of love and gratitude. As you practice with various plants, you will come to realize that individual plants have “personalities.” You may find that some species tend to have softer energy, while others feel more fiery. You may notice that your individual houseplants have different energies; some may seem needy while others emit good vibes. When you become more attuned to their energies, you will discover they respond to your attention and neglect. Plants also respond to music and voices. When you begin to pay more attention to your plants, you may find them calling to you, “Water me! Look at me! Sing to me!” Go into nature often and become observant. Take time each day to give gratitude to plants and animals, recognizing and appreciating the balance they provide on Earth. Notice the soil and rocks and the symbiotic relationships they have to all. Realize that every step you take, every breath you make, affects the Earth. Connect often with the Beings of Nature and learn to live simply, without judgment. Soon, your heart will be filled with joy as you notice the miracles that surround you! © 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 93 Meditation One with Nature compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 92 ~ LIFE AFTER DEATH When your loved one passes over, in the vast majority of cases, their healing process begins at the moment of death. They still have a vested interest in the life they left behind and will come and go to witness your growth and experiences. Whenever you sense a deceased loved one is near, you have a vivid dream or smell their scent, know that contact has been made. Send them love and thank them for the role they played in your life. If your relationship was not easy, you can heal by using the Heart Connections. When it is time for you to cross over, you can be assured that your loved ones will be there to greet you. © 2019 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Download the Heart Connections at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 92 Life After Death compressed
    Theresa Crabtree posted an update
    SOUL CONNECTION 91 ~ BEFRIEND YOUR DRAGONS Begin to visualize your dreams into reality. Take each step with love and regard for yourself and others, seeking only those things that are for your good and for the highest good of all concerned, gracefully. Anything less will keep you in the polarity consciousness which will keep you bound and gagged. Gracefully means achieving what you want through actions of love rather than reactions from fear. As you begin to release your fears and replace them with love, you will become further removed from the chaos that exists around you. As more unite, the grip of those who have been in control will be loosened. The dragon is losing its power over you. Befriend your dragons, for all are truly one, from the same Source. Soon you will remember this truth and embrace your enemies as well as your friends. Take them into your heart and let your light shine! © 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 91 Befriend Your Dragons compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 90 ~ THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE Try placing on a garment that is several sizes too small. You will feel very uncomfortable and eventually lose energy as the flow of blood is restricted. This is what happens on an energetic level when you restrict your energy flow by holding onto fears and old beliefs. Once you release them, the energy flows freely, allowing you to think more clearly and to make more creative and healthy choices. Belief codes are set up in moments that are emotionally charged. The event could be positive or negative. Most codes are created without the person being consciously aware that this is occurring. With the universal law of attraction, what you believe, becomes your reality. It can be very difficult to break belief codes, for in so doing you will have to accept responsibility for setting up the codes in the first place. You will also have to release any thoughts of being a victim and give up retelling your stories. It will take effort to change the behaviors and habits you have adopted. It will also take courage to replace your old beliefs with new beliefs, for you risk losing friends and making extreme life changes. Until then you will remain confined within your own prison. How do you move beyond limiting belief codes? One way is to look at an area of your life where you feel dissatisfied. Perhaps it is the way you react to others or a habit you would like to change. Choose one aspect you would like to change. Take a few moments to focus on what generally triggers this behavior. Feel yourself making other choices the next time you are triggered. Your brain does not know the difference between reality and fantasy. One very effective method to changing a behavior is to role-play your desired action or reaction in your mind. When you have done this often, you will begin to respond in the way you have practiced. When you create a belief code, your mind will do all in its power to be sure this law is enforced. What happens physically is that the synapses in your brain connects in such a way that you react in one particular manner in similar situations. This can be good for things such as remembering to recoil your hand when you touch something hot. However, it can be detrimental when you will not allow others to get emotionally close to you because you fear they will hurt you like others in the past. Once you create a belief code based on fear, all other events that follow are categorized by this law. In other words, if you set up a belief code that you are powerless, every experience you have will be filtered through that law. Before long, you will not only feel powerless when you are in the event that started this belief code, you will begin to hold this belief in other areas of your life, as well. The good news is that once you discover the basis for these codes, you are more readily available to heal the wounds. Like dominoes, once a belief code is toppled, many others built on that code will also fall. There will be no energy to hold them together. However, you will have also created habits that kept the code alive. As you release old codes, these habits will continue until you consciously monitor and change them. Some deep-seated wounds will take time to heal. Be patient with yourself and others. Everything is literally a thought or an attitude away. If you find yourself dwelling on negativity, think again, moving to a more positive thought. Be brave and have the courage to face your fears. © 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 90 The Truth Shall Set You Free compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 89 ~ SETTING INTENTIONS The following are steps to setting your intentions. 1. Clearly focus on one thing you wish to bring about. 2. State your intention, what it is you wish to experience. Follow your intention with the phrase, “for my highest good and for the highest good of all concerned, gracefully.” 3. Visualize yourself experiencing this goal, using your five senses. 4. Know that the steps towards its manifestation are now in progress. 5. Thank all of those who are assisting in creating this reality. Expect the unexpected, your intentions may manifest in ways you don’t expect! The stronger your belief in the process, the more likely you will receive your gift. Do not waver on what it is you wish to experience. If you change your mind, then go through the above steps, revising your initial intention or restating your new intention. The more emotion you put into the visualization, the more likely you will experience your desire. You may choose to do the visualization process several times, especially when you feel yourself wavering. Then let it go. Fake it ‘til you make it! See it as already being a reality. Follow your intuition and stay in the present moment in order to recognize the steps needed to reach your goal. Develop communication between your Soul and Spirit Guides. Clear your energy daily so you will be a clear channel. Like a radio, if your frequency is not in tune, you will either get fuzzy reception or be on the wrong channel. You will also need to continue clearing blockages caused by fear and old habits. Within yourself is the power to make whatever changes you desire. © 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 89 Setting Intentions compressed
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    SOUL CONNECTION 87 ~ LOVE AND GRATITUDE MEDITATION Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. The purpose of this quiet time is to become balanced and to release tension and stress. It is necessary for you to be in a relaxed and harmonious state of being in order to move beyond yourself and to experience love for all. When your energy is contracted by fear and your thoughts are focused on all the things happening around you, it is easy to get lost in frustration and impatience. It is very hard to love others when you are in this state of mind. After you have prepared your space by turning on soft background music, lighting a candle and incense or whatever works best for you, get into a comfortable position. It does not matter whether you are sitting or lying, the important thing is that your spine is aligned as straight as possible in order for your energy to flow freely. Once you are settled, take a few deep breaths in and out, relaxing your body and allowing yourself to release the busyness of the day. Focus on your breath. When you inhale, visualize breathing in love and kindness. When you exhale, release tension and thoughts or emotions that drain your energy. Continue with this pattern for a few minutes until you feel deeply relaxed. Then for several inbreaths, think of something or someone for whom you are grateful. On the outbreath, send this person a feeling of love and gratitude. Do this for another 5 to 10 minutes, each time sending these feelings to whatever person, event or place that comes to mind. If there is someone or an event you are attempting to release issues with, you may choose to spend the entire session focusing on this person or event only. Eventually, you will come to a place of forgiveness and be able to send them love freely, although this may take many sessions. Whatever comes into your mind, send it love. By doing this practice on a regular basis, you will begin to pay more attention to positive things around you. Every moment that your mind is focused on things that increase your inner peace, is a joy full moment, indeed! Observe the world around you and appreciate its beauty. Pay attention and be in gratitude for each blessing that comes your way, even those appearing to be negative. Train yourself to be calm every moment. By focusing on love and gratitude, your life will flow much smoother. Problems will melt away as you release the fear and tension associated with them. © 2016 Theresa Crabtree. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to share this post when you include the copyright statement. Read the Soul Connections on my blog at: Listen to them at: Got entities? Addictions? Feel depressed or stuck? Consider a SoulCleanse today! SC 87 Love and Gratitude Meditation compressed

Theresa Crabtree

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Active 4 years, 10 months ago