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December 10, 2018

Everyone I’ve spoken to seems excited about the holidays but is also a bit overwhelmed! The idea of getting swarmed by hordes of people in a mad marathon, all trying to hit the finish line at the same time, in an effort to get their Christmas shopping done creates a little stress for most of…

SUPER SATURDAY returns!  (Sat, March 10th, 9am Eastern). 

March 9, 2018

A few weeks ago `I had the pleasure of participating in the launch of Super Saturday LIVE!, presented by Transformation TV.   I’m delighted to announce I’ll be back again for the new season, which kicks off this Saturday, March 10th at 10 am Eastern on Facebook Live.  Join host Patrick Dahdal and five transformational teachers…

A GetZENd Guide To Great Sleep 

February 28, 2018

How are you sleeping? In our “always on” society, pushing beyond our physical boundaries has become a badge of honor. But the inconvenient truth is that sleep deprivation is the quickest way to skyrocket your stress levels and diminish your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Sleep is a precious. Try these 7 easy steps to…

Be Done With Stress! 

December 5, 2017

Most of us know this feeling…. Like we’re in a rush all the time, we need to get somewhere, need to do something, no ten things… no a hundred things. How are we ever going to get through it all today? I can feel it now, just talking about it…. Tightness of breath, like there’s…

Zahra Karsan

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Active 5 years, 3 months ago