Teresa Bruni, CPC, ELI-MP is a Life Transformation Master Practitionar and founder of Less Fear, More Flow. She is an internationally recognized Intuitive, Coach, Speaker, and Author. Teresa’s extensive understanding of the sources of physical and emotional pain and illness, along with her powerful set of tools to release that pain means her clients obtain not only the health they desire, but a life beyond their wildest dreams! Teresa’s path became clear after battling a chronic condition that lasted nearly a decade rendering her completely disabled. When she realized that the medical community simply didn’t have the answers she needed, she knew she had to take matters into her own hands, and she did. Since discovering the missing pieces, she is now on a mission to share what she learned to help others heal physically, emotional and spiritually. She is also proud to be celebrating her twentieth year of wellness! Teresa works with individuals in-person at her Central North Carolina office and around the globe via the internet.