• Catherine Gruener posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    Join me at the Illinois Counselors Fall Conference in November at the main conference workshop:
    “Experiential Work with Parents: Making the Abstract-Active, Inviting Change.”
    The Spirit of Creative Counseling
    Illinois Counselors Association Fall Conference
    Hilton Lisle/Naperville Conference Center
    November 9,10 & 11, 2017
    Hilton Lisle/Naperville
    Session 2, main workshop on Nov. 9th, 2017
    Description: Change one of the cogs in a system, and the system changes. Parent training has been shown to curb cycles of violence, improve the mental health of children and parents, and reduce child maladaptive behaviors. The majority of parent training programs offer logical/idea based abstract conceptualizations of authoritative parenting styles with specific skill building, and the results of some studies have found conflicting data on the outcomes. Experiential learning is the process of doing and reflecting on what you are doing, and can be a powerful tool in making the abstract, active. Positive Discipline, an experiential-based training program, has shown to positively affect new conceptualizations of parenting, increasing parents’ authoritative parenting style, having lasting effects after completion of the classes . Participants will experience several experiential exercises, process and collectively collaborate on the process, learning about experiential work within the counseling process, and how this work may be applied to their practice. Screen-Shot-2017-10-05-at-7.49.32-AM

    Join me at the Illinois Counselors Fall Conference in November at the main conference workshop: &#82